If you are Published in Romance (Traditionally or Self-Published) or Published in a Genre other than Romance,
or are an RWA-PRO (former or current member) or an Experienced Judge, we need YOU.
The Emily Contest would not hold such high esteem in the industry without volunteers like you.

Our first round judges provide positive, helpful feedback.
For examples, check out the JUDGE GUIDELINES.

It is IMPORTANT that you read the updated CONTEST RULES BEFORE you complete the 1st Round Judge Sign-Up Form, so you that may know what we require of all Entrants who wish to enter The Emily Contest.

Once you have reviewed the above blue-font links, return to this 1st Round Judge page, and scroll down to sign up.

Thank you for volunteering to judge the First Round of The Emily Contest.

Judging will take place between mid-October 2021
through the first week of December 2021.

DISCLAIMER: If any First Round Judge is assigned an Entry with which she or he feels they might be familiar, it is up to the First Round Judge to contact the Coordinator to recuse themselves from judging the Entry. All judges are to remain anonymous until winners are announced. Failure to do so by the First Round Judge will result in the disqualification of the Entry.